Fresh Prince of Death

I was sitting on my sofa all home alone with my dog on my lap. I turned on the television and were watching my favorite show, fresh prince of bel air. It was one of my favourite episodes, where his mom gets mad at him for not getting good grades and he wants to drop out of school.
But something was a bit different this time... Will started swearing and I heard the word "fuck" come out of the screen. Then I realized... it wasn't coming from him. I didn't recognize the voice and then I saw Will go upstairs and the video cut to some home video or something.
The voices in the background got louder, until it transitioned completely to another clip.
Then this guy just popped up on the screen and he hung himself in his room!!!!11!11!
His neck went all super hyper-realistic, and then I heard a woman laughing in the background. I think it was his mom as it appeared to be.
I heard the theme song play at the end, as the video went to static. "Let me tell you how I became the Fresh Prince of Bel DEATHHHHHHH-" I heard a demonic scream say.
I was so scared.
Then I realized the tv wasn't even on.